CAEP is a professional accreditor who reviews departments, schools, and colleges which prepare teachers and other educators. After completing a program, teachers seek licensure or certification from the state in which they wish to teach.
Accreditation is quality assurance through external peer review. When an institution or specialized program is accredited, it has demonstrated that it meets standards set by organizations representing the academic community, professionals, and other stakeholders. To maintain accreditation the institution or program must undergo a similar review on a regular basis. Typically reviews are conducted every 7 to 10 years.
Annual Reports
Each year Millersville’s College of Education and Human Services (EDHS) teacher certification programs submit an annual report to CAEP that gather common data for eight annual measures. These measures demonstrate impact around student learning, teacher effectiveness, employer and completer satisfaction, and specific outcomes and consumer information, such as graduation, licensure, employment, and student loan default rates. EDHS can use the data in their self-studies to analyze trends and demonstrate their use in their continuous improvement efforts.
CAEP Standards
Advanced Program Standards
The CAEP Standards for Initial and Advanced Programs and their components flow from two principles:
- Solid evidence that the provider’s graduates are competent and caring educators, and
- There must be solid evidence that the provider’s educator staff have the capacity to create a culture of evidence and use it to maintain and enhance the quality of the professional programs they offer.
The five CAEP Standards flow from these principles and the standards of evidence that define them are the backbone of the accreditation process. They define quality in terms of organizational performance and serve as the basis for accreditation reviews and judgments.
The Demographics in District Type Student Teaching Placements School District Student Teaching Placements utilize data collected from the Pennsylvania State Department of Education (PDE) and the census data obtained from These PDE data reflect potential areas of teacher shortages that are present in the Millersville’s EDHS school partner districts available to our candidates.
Millersville’s College of Education and Human Services (EDHS) Demographics of P12 students in clinical sites data table displays the percentages of placement characteristics used by EDHS clinical sites. The data in both tables display the intentionality of the College of Education and Human Services Department of Field Services (DFS) when placing EDHS teacher candidates in districts that are populated with underrepresented groups of students and community members. The attention to the demographic composition of our district partners serves to increase opportunities for our candidates to utilize clinical experiences and instructional expertise for all P-12 students.
INTASC standards and categories
The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) is a consortium of state education agencies and national educational organizations dedicated to the reform of the preparation, licensing, and on-going professional development of teachers. CAEP considers the InTASC Standards to be important because they represent best professional practices and strongly influence the CAEP, state, and Specialized Professional Association accountability standards.
PA State Standards and Program Approval
The Pennsylvania State Department of Education (PDE) requires all higher education teacher certification preparation program providers to design a program of study that is aligned with competencies set forth by PDE’s Program Framework Guidelines. Millersville’s College of Education and Human Services (EDHS) teacher preparation candidates engage in courses, field experiences and culminating clinical experiences. From these varied experiences, they are required to demonstrate competency as gauged by faculty designed assessments. These critical competency-based assessments attest to the candidates’ performance in each program. They allow for assessment of the individual, and the aggregate of these results speak to the quality of program. The data collected is quantifiable and, when examined in the self-study, should lead the program provider to identification of areas of strength and areas for improvement.
State Standards aligned with program courses
Professional Behaviors
All candidates in education licensure programs will be assessed by faculty using the Disposition and Professional behavior rubrics as a requirement for formal admission (APS for teacher candidates, degree candidacy for advanced programs) and at least one other time prior to the culminating field-based experience. Evaluation of dispositions is used primarily for candidate self-reflection and growth. The Professional Behavior Rubric will also be used as part of a formal review process (defined by Professionalism Policy) when substantial concerns arise. The Professional Behavior rubric can be used in making decisions about candidate progression through the program.
Satisfaction of Completers
The College of Education Employer surveys are sent out every spring semester to the previous academic years' completers. The employment list is downloaded from the Pennsylvania State Department of Education (PDE) website including the principal's email address and the completer(s) they employ
The Employer survey launched for spring 2020 will have data disaggregated responses by programs. Appox 156 Principals will be invited to take the Employer Survey in future semesters. The Pennsylvania Department of Pennsylvania (PDE) supplied the emails for Principals at schools where our Millersville graduates were hired. In 2019, 164 Principals was the audience size. 30 surveys were started and 30 were completed. A return rate of 22%.
The University launched Alumni Job Satisfaction and Job Placement or “AJPS”, which we have administered annually in the fall semester since 2013, asks questions of the previous year’s graduates. The College of Education (EDHS) added “supplemental” questions for education department graduates to the survey in Fall 2018, and it has gone out twice—to 2017-18 and 2018-19 graduates. The AJPS is disaggregated by program response. Our Early, Middle, and Exceptional Education program (EMEE, College of Education) has data. The programs Education shares with other colleges for content preparation includes content course work in the college of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and the College of Science and Technology for grades 7-12 content areas in Art, English, Biology, Chemistry, and Math are included in the 2017-18 results. The complete data for Alumni Job Satisfaction and Job Placement or “AJPS”, can be found at Alumni Job Placement Surveys and Senior Exit Surveys (Requires Login) (Requires login).
Abilities of Completers to Meet Requirements
Abilities of Completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II (initial & advanced levels)
Title II Fed. Rpt. 2022 Traditional
Recommended for Teaching Licensure by Program
Individuals pursuing Pennsylvania teacher licensing must complete an approved teacher education program and a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, which should include a recommendation from the institution attended for a teaching certificate. The institutional recommendation verifies to the Department of Education that the applicant has completed state-mandated requirements for coursework in core subjects including mathematics, English, ESL education, and teaching skills, as well as a teaching internship.
Three cycles of data EPP created assessment Professional Behaviors aligned with inTASC: VIEW
Three cycles of data for EPP assessment (COOP) MU Adapted Danielson aligned with inTASC: VIEW
Three cycles of data for EPP assessment (Super) MU Adapted Danielson aligned with inTASC: VIEW
The Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions
Over the past three years, on average, 90 percent of baccalaureate degree recipients have rated the quality of their education in their major program of study as “good” or “excellent” six to ten months after graduation. Millersville graduates consistently rate the overall quality of education at Millersville University nearly as high as the quality of education within their major. Also, given the opportunity to reflect on the value of their Millersville experience, recent alumni report similar or higher ratings than they did as seniors.
Student Loan Default Rates and Other Consumer Information (Initial and Advanced Levels)
Our federal loan cohort default rate is 6.1%.
The national average is 9.7%
Public 4 yr. is 7.1%
Private 4yr. is 6.5%
Proprietary 4 yr. is 13.1%
Other information that may be helpful to you is on our homepage at this location:
Retention (Goal A: Engaging Learners) – 2018-19 data on 2nd-year retention are as follows.
o PK-4 (EMEE) – 84.3%
o Middle Level 4-8 (EMEE) – 76.9%
o Spec Ed/PK-4 (EMEE) – 83.3%
o BA Psychology (PSYC) – 83.8%
o BA Social Work (SOWK) – 73.1%
Middle Level 4-8 has low enrollment and as a result, has great variability in retention rates from year-to-year; there is a lot of bounce.
Full-Time Undergraduate Pennsylvania Resident
Per Semester
Per Semester
General Fee*
Tuition Technology Fee*
Total Full-Time Tuition & Fees
Room** and 2100 Declining Balance Account
Total Tuition/Fees/Room & Declining Balance
$406.37 - Undergraduate PA Resident (includes Tuition @ $319, General fee and Tech fee up to 12 credits). If registered for more than 12 credits, $319 additional per credit
$902.37 - Undergraduate Non-PA Resident (includes Tuition @ $805, General fee and Tech fee).
PER CREDIT RATE DOES NOT APPLY TO FULL-TIME UNDERGRADUATE NON-PA RESIDENT STUDENTS. Per credit rate applies to part-time Non-PA Resident students only. Full-time Non-PA Resident students refer to chart.
$638.37 - Graduate PA Resident (includes Tuition @ $516, General fee and Tech fee)
$908.37 - Graduate Non-PA Resident (includes Tuition @ $774, General fee and Tech fee)
Graduation and Retention Rates
The most recent data available from the Financial Assistance office is 2019.
Updated data will not be available until Sept. 2023.
The 2019 FY rates are the following:
Our federal loan cohort default rate is 1.4%.
The national average is 2.3%
Public 4 yr. is 1.8%
Private 4yr. is 1.6%
Proprietary 4 yr. is 2.6%
Indicators of Teacher Effectiveness
These data show responders strongly agree they have enough knowledge to teach and work with all students effectively. Analysis of the semesters of data showed overall student teachers felt well prepared or sufficiently prepared in all areas of teacher preparation for fall 2019.
Data COOP 18-19 SurvEYcovid shutdown and coop survey
Danielson Cooperating Teacher and Supervisor Data
2021-2022 Professional and Foundations Professional Behaviors Data
Impact of P-12 Learning and Development
Evaluation of impact on student learning is done in several additional ways for student teachers. First, it is done through the PDE 430 evaluation of Professionalism and criteria related to reflection on evidence of student learning. Second, it is done with the MU Adapted Danielson Evaluation and specifically the first component of Reflection in the Professionalism Domain. The “Proficient” criteria of this rubric require that “The teacher candidate makes an accurate assessment of a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its instructional outcomes and can cite general references to support the judgment. The teacher candidate makes some specific suggestions of what could be tried another time the lesson is taught.” Both the third and fourth ways are more direct. Students complete case studies in their EDSE 471 Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom course about impact on student learning. Rubrics and data from this course are provided as attachments. And, student teachers submit a Technology & Engineering Education Unit of Instruction and Teaching Portfolio at the conclusion of their student teaching experience. One key component of this document is an expectation that student teachers conduct an extensive summative assessment where they report and analyze assessment data for their K-12 students and draw conclusions about these data. Furthermore, they critique the unit and its implementation by pointing out its strengths and weaknesses based on student data, the input they received from supervisors, and their own personal reflections. Assignment guidelines, an extensive rubric for assessing the unit of instruction, and a checklist for evaluating the portfolio overall are included in the template.
In addition, we wish to point out that the mission of our Professional Development School program emphasizes that the most important purpose of our placement of candidates in year-long internships is to benefit the learning of secondary students. This is important to us because of national research showing that the novice abilities of student teachers can have a subtractive effect in “sink or swim” models of student teaching.
PDS Mission Statement: The mission of the Professional Development School (PDS) at Millersville University is to improve the teaching and learning for area P-12 students. To accomplish this mission we commit to utilize a co-teacher, inquiry method of teacher preparation in a full-year, intensive placement that enables our pre-service teachers to develop the craft of teaching by working alongside a mentor teacher. We aim to foster strong partnerships with local school districts where we develop each other’s strengths and together help our pre-service teachers learn the art of teaching through a research-supported methodology that benefits all members of the learning community.
In our most recent survey of cooperating teachers, we are pleased with the question responses that are directly related to the impact on the 7-12 students. The results show the majority of responses are positive and reflect MU candidates are making a positive impact on their classrooms. A review of the following questions asked on the COOP survey shows our candidates positively impact the learning taking place in the COOP’s classroom with a MU student teacher. We are particularly proud that 95% of our COOPS see our observation/evaluation instruments work as tools that improve teaching in their classroom.
The attachment titled State Standards Aligned with Programs, provides evidence Millersville programs ensure candidates demonstrate skills and commitment that afford all P-12 students access to rigorous college- and career-ready standards via meeting the Common Core State Standards. All of Millersville’s teacher education programs, INT and ADV, are approved by the Pennsylvania State Department of Education (PDE) as evidenced by the program approval process outlined in the Major Review.
CAEP Standard 4 addresses educator preparation program completers' results. The evidence provided in response to CAEP standard 4, presents data that shows the effectiveness of completers when they are on the job. Millersville's College Of Education and Hyman Services (EDHS) monitors data from EDHS interviews with completers, school district standardized measures required by the PA State Department of Education, and teaching evaluations shared by completers as a means to evaluate completer progress, inform EDHS programs for any needed adjustments, and to post the completer data on our website for purposes of accountability to stakeholders and of informing potential candidates of our completers' success in the P-1 schools. Please see attachment titled: Impact on P-12 Learning and Development.